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About Us

Skills Journey

We are a company formed to promote the development of skills for the modern workplace learning professional. The three founding partners (who are not so new) are:

Eugenie King

Eugénie King: Eugénie has over a decade of experience in training and learning design roles. Having spent the majority of her career working with the third sector, Eugénie specialises in capacity building for multicultural audiences. She has a strong interest in new learning technologies, the role they play in building workplace relationships and the support they provide when learning.

Barry Sampson

Barry Sampson: Barry has spent the last ten years focussed on the use of technology to improve organisational learning, communication and performance. He has a particular interest in how access to technology can empower anyone to take ownership for their own learning and development, and allow them to share that learning with others.

Clive Shepherd

Clive Shepherd: Clive is a workplace learning and development specialist, with a particular interest in the application of media and technology. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Clive has headed up a corporate training function, co-founded a leading multimedia development business and operated as an independent consultant. In recent years, Clive has devoted his attention to the new role of the learning architect, the design of next generation blended learning solutions and the design of digital learning content.

Our trusted associates

Asatuurs Keim

Asatuurs Keim, Studio from the Sky: With well over 10 years of experience in film making, Asatuurs’ multimedia experience has helped to bring another dimension to his film work. Originally from a music background, Asatuurs has gone on to establish himself in both TV and film, culminating in the founding of his production company Studio From The Sky.

Gary Frost

Gary Frost, Frost Creative: Gary is a multi-award winning creative designer and owner of Frost Creative Limited. He has over 15 years experience working in the creative industry and has produced innovative work for global brands, multinationals and start up challenger brands. His services include branding & brand development, corporate communications, creative campaigns, exhibitions, graphic design, packaging, point of sale, websites and video. Frost Creative create, they give meaning, they code. And will get people talking about you.