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We’ve kicked it off with this animation, which forms part of our new Curating Content for Learning course:

We’ll be using this YouTube channel as our showcase and as our blog. We hope you enjoy it!

Privacy Preference Center

Strictly Necessary Cookies

There are several cookies that are required to make sure that this website can function. If you are not logged in to the site we need to set a cookie in order to know whether or not you have consented to our use of cookies! We set the time to ensure that we keep this cookie active only for as long as we need to.

We don't use cookies for analytics or advertising (we don't have any adverts).

wp-settings-time: the time you arrived on the site
wp-settings: may be used to customise your view of the website
gdpr: have you consented to the use of cookies?

If you are a registered user, we use cookies to remember if you are logged in to the site and to help secure your account.

wordpress_logged_in: this will be set if you are logged in
wordpress_sec: this holds a secure hash which helps to ensure that your login cannot be hijacked

When you make a purchase we use cookies to manage the checkout process.

woocommerce_cart_hash and woocommerce_items_in_cart: contain information about the cart as a whole and helps us know when the cart data changes
wp_woocommerce_session_: contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.

wp-settings-time,wp-settings,gdpr[consent-types],gdpr[allowed-cookies], wordpress_logged_in, wordpress_sec, woocommerce_cart_hash, woocommerce_items_in_cart, wp_woocommerce_session_